Get a minecraft server for mac
Get a minecraft server for mac

  1. #Get a minecraft server for mac how to#
  2. #Get a minecraft server for mac download#
  3. #Get a minecraft server for mac free#

The key thing here is that the paths to the “state” folder and the executable are hardcoded. And it will start the server when the Daemon is loaded, which happens either at boot time or if you explicitly tell the daemon to load. It also tells it to run the job as the username nobody. You can adjust the values for your system if that turns out to be too much.

Label net.minecraft RunAtLoad WorkingDirectory /opt/minecraft_server/state UserName nobody ProgramArguments /usr/bin/java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar /opt/minecraft_server/minecraft_server.1.6.2.jar nogui The above is plist speak to tell it that it should change into the working directory where we want it to store its data, then launch the java jar with a memory size of 1G.

You need to create this as root or otherwise assure it’s owned by root:wheel and can be read.

get a minecraft server for mac

The file name is not important, but it’s tradition to name the Daemon for website that it came from. Minecraft is going to run as user nobody, and it will need permission to modify the state folder contents.Ĭhown nobody /opt/statechmod 755 /opt/stateĪs root, create the file /Library/LaunchDaemons/

get a minecraft server for mac

Since the system is going to invoke this file automatically you don’t want it changing with simple user level permissions.Ĭhown -R root:wheel /opt/minecraftserverchmod -R a+xr /opt/minecraftserver This will assure that no one can change the jar file without root access. Mv /User/bob/Downloads/minecraft_server.1.6.2.jar /opt/minecraftĪnd make sure the top level folder and executable are owned by root. Now if your user name is bob then move the minecraft jar into place: Sudo -s -mkdir -p /opt/minecraft_server/state It doesn’t matter where this it, but the permissions on the folder do matter. And currently the jar filename is: minecraft_server.1.6.2.jar, but that will change too.ġ) Creating a place for it.When you run the jar the first time it’s going to create a lot of files and subdirectories the in the current working directory (CWD) so we want to create a nice place to do this. Currently that site is but that might change in the future.

#Get a minecraft server for mac download#

The first step is to download the minecraft server jar file from the Mojang website.

get a minecraft server for mac

#Get a minecraft server for mac how to#

Finally I show how to backup the worlds you create.ġ) creating the launchDaemon that starts the minecraft server. And I also want it to restart automatically when I reboot the computer. Since I don’t fully trust the server not to have some security hole, I want it to run as user nobody so it doesn’t have a lot of permissions. You're done.Here’s a recipe for setting up Minecraft server on OS X.

  • Paste your public / external internet address in the box labeled IP Address into the No-IP dashboard.
  • Here is a guide by No-IP on how to accomplish this. That allows the router to connect automatically to No-IP.
  • Optional: You can login to No-IP with your router to keep the IP Address current in case it changes.
  • You may need to follow instructions specific to your modem or router if the No-IP documentation does not contain your particular type.

    get a minecraft server for mac

    This step varies by particular brand of modem or router, but the No-IP documentation does a good job of describing the process here. To do this, you will log in to your home router and setup Port Forwarding.

  • Set up Port Forwarding: You will need to route your Minecraft traffic to port 25565 on your Pi.
  • After creating the account and logging in, create a Hostname (example: ) by following their documentation.
  • Create an account with No-IP by visiting their website.
  • In the case of this example, you will need to:

    #Get a minecraft server for mac free#

    This example uses a service called No-IP, which has a free tier for people who want to try DDNS out, though other options and methods do exist as well. If you’d like to allow friends outside of your local network to join your server, you’ll need to set up dynamic DNS (DDNS) to expose your Pi to the outside world.

    Get a minecraft server for mac